Saturday, February 22, 2014

............................Hello! I am back!

Salams to all!

 It has been such a long time…really!

Actually, I went into hibernation…to pen a new book then…to transform a Ph.D thesis of a student of mine whom I co-supervised, into a book that a man on the street would be able to digest.

The manuscript was completed in about 4 months. However, all the ding-dongs took a whole lot longer…and I was on the verge of despair…

Then, I vowed that I would not update my blog until I get the book published.

It has been 3 years now…the book is nearly ready to be published…all the red tapes. Plus the difficulty in identifying a capable illustrator. 

Then, there was good news. An excellent illustrator was found! My co-author and I were absolutely thrilled and dumbstruck by the results. We decided that the illustrator deserves some portion of the royalty when the book is out. We were very excited too…because we are nearly there…the dream to see the book on shelves of bookshops. However, at the last minute, after proof reading and looking at the wonderful drawings, some adjustments need to be made…and we still have to wait…too bad! Sad…

So, while playing the waiting game…and seeing an old blogger of mine has suddenly come ‘back alive’ (she has been ‘dead’ for longer then I did (4 years)), I decided to be like her too! To be alive and kickin’….

So, I am sharing this little girl’s blog (my first grandchild Nuha Insyirah Mohd Khalil Izwan, her mum Nusaybah Mohamad Sofian – The Little Storyteller  )…Enjoy!

PS. Not bad for a little nine year old, eh?