“I am Hamdy!” said someone as soon as I arrived at the stall.
“So, you are Hamdy! We have been emailing and motivating each other through mailing lists and text messages,” said I, looking at Pak Utih, another writer friend and a qualified trainer, sitting in front of a pile of his book, "Suami Memimpin, Isteri Mengurus" (The Husband Leads, the Wife Manages). He was seated at the other end of the table.
“Yes! He may sound very gruff and brutal in his emails but actually he has a very kind heart!” said Pak Utih, casting a broad smile. Hamdy roared with laughter.
We were at the JIMedia stall, or to be more exact, Readnetworks. A publishing company owned by Bro. Wan Mohd. Zukri or better known as Abu Syamil, who is also in charge of publishing quality reading materials for JIMedia.
“Where is Roha?” I asked.
Roha is our Sis who was given the responsibility to compile our latest book project – the third one, entitled, “Ibu Madrasah Pertamaku” (Mother – My First Lesson Provider) under Women’s Wing for JIM. I have contributed one chapter in this third endeavour. The first project which was entitled, “Bagaimana Akhirnya Saya Bertudung” (How I Finally Wore the Hijab), 2 chapters of my writings were included there and while I have given one chapter for the second effort, “Mengapa Saya Bekerja” (Why I Work), both of which were compiled by Madam Ir. Hajjah Endok Sempo M. Tahir.
“I think, she cannot make it today,” said Hamdy or his real name is Haron Mohd.Yusof, writer of Rancang Hidup Rancang Wang (Plan your Life and Your Money) and many more.
Just then, there was the sound of greetings from another writer friend of ours, Dr. Harlina Haliza Siraj, leader of Women’s Wing, JIM Central Committee, whose face has graced Malaysian TV and newspapers.
We had our pictures taken with our editor, Mr. Wan Muhammad Wan Ibrahim, a youthful father of three, who works full time with JIM and another with Dr. Har.
“I want to stay low in profile,” said Hamdy with a chuckle, disappearing behind a pillar.
I shook my head.
And there we were that Saturday, the 25th. of April 2009. Sitting and promoting each and every one of our books at the stall. Our books i.e. mine "Jadi, Anda Mahu Menulis"(So, You Want to Write?), Dr. Har "Citra Wanita Kontemporari"(Aspirations of Contemporary Women), Pak Utih "Suami Memimpin Isteri Mengurus"(Husband Leads Wife Manages), Hamdy "Rancang Hidup Rancang Wang Remaja"(Plan Your Life, Plan Your Money for Young Adults) was published just the night before. Very fresh from the oven! We sat, signing our books with readers and getting know them for about a few hours.
“Where is Roha?” I asked.
Roha is our Sis who was given the responsibility to compile our latest book project – the third one, entitled, “Ibu Madrasah Pertamaku” (Mother – My First Lesson Provider) under Women’s Wing for JIM. I have contributed one chapter in this third endeavour. The first project which was entitled, “Bagaimana Akhirnya Saya Bertudung” (How I Finally Wore the Hijab), 2 chapters of my writings were included there and while I have given one chapter for the second effort, “Mengapa Saya Bekerja” (Why I Work), both of which were compiled by Madam Ir. Hajjah Endok Sempo M. Tahir.
“I think, she cannot make it today,” said Hamdy or his real name is Haron Mohd.Yusof, writer of Rancang Hidup Rancang Wang (Plan your Life and Your Money) and many more.
Just then, there was the sound of greetings from another writer friend of ours, Dr. Harlina Haliza Siraj, leader of Women’s Wing, JIM Central Committee, whose face has graced Malaysian TV and newspapers.
We had our pictures taken with our editor, Mr. Wan Muhammad Wan Ibrahim, a youthful father of three, who works full time with JIM and another with Dr. Har.
“I want to stay low in profile,” said Hamdy with a chuckle, disappearing behind a pillar.
I shook my head.
And there we were that Saturday, the 25th. of April 2009. Sitting and promoting each and every one of our books at the stall. Our books i.e. mine "Jadi, Anda Mahu Menulis"(So, You Want to Write?), Dr. Har "Citra Wanita Kontemporari"(Aspirations of Contemporary Women), Pak Utih "Suami Memimpin Isteri Mengurus"(Husband Leads Wife Manages), Hamdy "Rancang Hidup Rancang Wang Remaja"(Plan Your Life, Plan Your Money for Young Adults) was published just the night before. Very fresh from the oven! We sat, signing our books with readers and getting know them for about a few hours.
It certainly was fun!