All praises be to Allah....
Am so grateful that my dream and intention has been fruitful…
Last Ramadhan , I received an invitation from an activist, who also happens to be my husband’s junior during their school days (Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman (STAR) old boy, Ipoh, Perak). This gentlemen has forwarded a chance to contribute towards a very noble effort.
In his flyer, it was stated:
Hadhrat Sa'd
(Radhiallaahu Anhu) said, 'Umm Sa'd (mother of Sa'd) passed away. What should I do?'
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'Dig a well (in order to provide water).'
Hadhrat Sa'd dug a well and said, 'This (the water of the well) is for the reward of Umm Sa'd.' (Mishkaat - Chapter of Sadaqah).. (Hadith Riwayat Tirmidzi)
And something suddenly fluttered in my heart…Instantly, I remembered both my parents. They – who had toiled and faced such hardship bringing up my siblings and I. We would not have been like we are today if not for their hard work and sacrifices (my father passed away in 1997 and my mum in 2003).
And so, I immediately offered my hand in this gesture, so noble…
I wanted so much to ‘enshrine’ both my parent’s names in something that would give rewards for them in the hereafter until the end of time or as long as it is of service for the betterment of others…Alhamdulillah….Praises be to Allah for fulfilling my dreams and making this possible…(The proof is here).
For those of you out there who would also like to contribute towards this good deeds, please contact:
Dato' Haji Mustafa Kamal bin Zaini (hp: 019-2149345)
President, ACT Malaysia ( Please click here)
May Allah accept all our righteousness…Amin, Ya Rabbul Alamin…